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Allison Worthington


Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction

Sounds super tasty... I love bananas foster, so this sounds perfect!

Question, though - is it possible to over-burn caramel? I followed a recipe for caramel this past weekend, and it tasted AWFUL... Not sure if it was the recipe or if it was my lack of ability to follow directions. :) I have successfully made caramel in the past, though.


I had no idea you can burn caramel but anyway that gelato looks so decadent


This can't be real. WOW. This seriously sounds like the best ice cream EVER.


This looks so fabulous! I received the cuisinart ice cream maker as a wedding gift and cannot WAIT to start using it!!!!

Jennifer Perillo

Jen - Yes, you can burn caramel. It's a funny fine line between purposely making it "burnt" and overcooking the sugar, so you just have to keep a careful eye.

Maggie - There's also a recipe here for homemade cookie dough ice cream. It's addictive, so be forewarned! http://mamachronicles.typepad.com/in_jennies_kitchen/2009/06/we-all-scream-for-ice-cream.html


This looks soooooo fantastic!!!!! I can't wait to try it!!!!

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