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The other day I made some oatmeal cookies and, in defiance of the
package's instructions to "wait until they're completely cool," ate
them warm.

Now I have dried oatmeal stuck on the back of my teeth. I had not
known this was possible.

Toothbrushes are in vain. Toothpicks break.

Short of having to go down to the dentist and have him clean my teeth
with a chisel, how can I get the dried oatmeal gunk unstuck from my
teeth without also removing the enamel from same?

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Many low-fat cookie recipes substitute cream cheese for butter. If you aren't following a recipe, you can experiment on your own with substituting cream cheese for some or all of the butter. You may need to adjust the cooking time and the method in which you store the cookies to ensure that the cookies are just as soft and chewy as the original version containing butter.


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