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Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction

Yum! I grew up with the peanut butter blossom cookies, although I rarely make them. I might have to give them another try! Sounds like a fun afternoon with Hershey's!

Congrats on the Oprah feature, by the way! Hopefully that will help us all generate some more $ for SOS!


Everything looks wonderful!

Fuji Mama

I LOVE these cookies. My mom made them a ton when I was growing up, though we always called them peanut butter kiss cookies. Oh, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that kisstletoe!! I have GOT to make one of those!


The Hersheys cookies look so yummy. I could sink my teeth into a handful right now.


those all look fantastic. stunning actually. where's the recipe for the jam swirled cookies?

invierta proyectos

mmmm looks fantastic!!!

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