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Looking forward to reading more!

Cathy (Mrs Wheelbarrow)

My personal recipe-binders are stuffed with Gourmet's holiday cookies from the last 20 years. I am on board for this project, whatever it might be, because it would be good to have (virtual) company in the kitchen during the holiday bake-a-thon. Excited to see how this pans out. :)

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction

I'm really wishing I hadn't cleaned out all of my old food magazines recently. It was only a few weeks before the announcement that I cleaned off my shelves to make room for new magazines. Ugh! Sounds like a lot of fun... I'd love to participate if I can get my hands on some of the old recipes!


what a great idea.

Kate @ Savour Fare

I'm SO in on this. I went through the house and collected all the back issues I could find this weekend. (Sadly, only back to 2007, but my husband assures me that I didn't let him throw many away, and we have others in the garage.) I'm looking back on them now as if they're precious jewels.

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