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oh...peach pie is my FAVORITE-EST pie!! I can't wait to try this one!!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction

Your pie looks beautiful! The peaches look juicy and delicious!


Jennifer, the pie looks terrific! I'm so glad you liked the crust. I love your how-to pictures.


So I had this big bunch of huckleberries (gold in my part of the world), a party to go to, and a botched first stab at a pie crust that I let my kid turn into "his" pie crust while he helped me bake. Then I stumbled on your recipe (well, Dorrie's), and figured if it was perfect like you said it was just what I needed. My huckleberry apple filling turned out a little on the soupy side, but that pie crust was just as you described. Perfect. With the right amount of sweet and salt and flake. It even stood up to the soupy goodness inside and didn't go soggy. Thanks for sharing! YUM!

Gina von

Since I saw this post I haven't been able to get your Peachy goodness out of my mind. Dreaming about pie and no time to bake it. Will turn dreams to reality this weekend.


Huckleberries sound so wonderful Kristi. and yes, Dorie's recipe is the best I've come across and I've been baking pies for quite some time now. Now, when are you sending me a slice of that pie?


Jennifer, remember "Old Auntie" will be in Brooklyn this week. A peach pie would just be terrific, to sample.

You're doing a great job!

Love Ya

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